Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Nursing Science Department Building, fifth floor
About Us
Nursing Student Association Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University is an executive organization at the Nursing Study Program level that implements a work program based on “PPO (Pedoman Pokok Organisasi)” or organizational guidelines and “GBHK (Garis Besar Haluan Kegiatan)” or activity outline Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University.
Realize “Lentera HIMKA” in order to make a change and build Kinship Horizon.
- Develop an organization with strong familial solidarity in order to develop a productive organization and self-improvement.
- Run the administration in accordance with the appropriate norms in the study program or at the faculty level.
- Develop exceptional Nursing student character and develop high-quality students.
- Deliver student aspirations while also escorting health issues, particularly in the nursing field.
- Accommodate, facilitate, and promote student interest, talent, and entrepreneur abilities.
- Spreading educational material and building the “HIMKA” brand outside and inside the Nursing Science Department.