PKKMB and Pendikar Faculty of Medicine 2023

by | Sep 1, 2023 | Academic, News, Student Admission

Semarang, 14 August 2023 — That morning, the atmosphere at the Diponegoro University Faculty of Medicine (FK UNDIP) was lively with the presence of 740 new faces. These new students began their academic journey by taking part in the 2023 FK UNDIP Introduction to Campus Life (PKKMB) and Character Education (Pendikar) activities. This event, which was held from 14 to 19 August, aimed at equipping new students with knowledge, skills, and the values ​​needed in carrying out the study period.

Faculty PKKMB was held from 14 to 15 August, while Education and Training will take place from 16 to 19 August. The Pendikar event will be handed over to the management of each study program to be implemented in a more specific and targeted manner.

The opening procession was lively, with a symbolic ID card handover by Dr. MS Anam, MSI.Med, Sp.A, as Chief Executive of the Activit. This ID card becomes an identification mark for every new student and opens the door to a learning environment that supports their development.

The first days of PKKMB and Pendikar were filled with a series of in-depth material. New students were introduced to campus facilities, the Kampus Merdeka concept, as well as creativity and innovation programs that they can take part in. Not only focusing on academic aspects, but also national values ​​and fostering a national movement for mental revolution. Material about student achievements, as well as student organization activities (ORMAWA) at FK UNDIP was also provided.

 On the second day, it was continued with lessons about the higher education system in Indonesia and academic regulations at FK UNDIP. New students were also given solutions to academic problems through the Faculty Student Counselling Board (BKMF), as well as tips for success in studying at the Faculty of Medicine. The event that day ended with the selection of student chief for each study program, as well as the introduction of the Online Resource System (SSO) and the guardianship process as well as filling in the Semester Achievement Index (IRS).

The following days were filled with character education tailored to the needs and style of each study program. However, the committee were always advised to adhere to the 16.00 end-time to maintain a balance between academic activities and rest time.

There was a series of events that had been missing since 2019, namely mosaics, at PKKMB and Pendikar. This time it was closed with a closing speech by the chief executive and the creation of a mosaic together with 10 different formations.

This series of activities of PKKMB and Pendikar event was hoped that it will make FK UNDIP students be able to build superior character that combines academic competence and strong personality. The entire series of events is designed to provide relevant information without burdening new students, making this process the first step towards success in the academic and professional world.

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