Dedication of the Faculty of Medicine in Magelang Regency

by | Sep 20, 2022 | Dedication, News

On the occasion of the 61st Dies Natalis, the Faculty of Medicine was collaborate with IKAMEDICA to organize a dedication activity in Magelang Regency on Saturday, September 17 – 18, 2022. This event took place at four different locations: Blondo elementary school in Magelang Regency (health screening social services), Muhammadiyah Borobudur senior high school (eye screening, ENT screening, nutrition, teeth, and child health, as well as PTM and stunting screening), Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur vocational school (eye screening, ENT screening, nutrition, teeth, and child health, as well as PTM and stunting screening), and Dukun district office in Magelang Regency (eye screening & Boost the booster vaccine program for elderly with groceries distribution). The event concluded with a courteus with Magelang Major dr. H. Muchamad Nur Aziz,Sp.PD,K-GH,FINASIM in Magelang Major’s official residence in Pendopo.

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