NEUROLOGY, SEMARANG – In the context of community service with the theme of “Sustainable Development Goals 3: Healthy and Prosperous Life”, the Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) Doctor Team, chaired by dr. Hari Peni Julianti, M.Kes, Sp.KFR (K), FISPH, FISCM carried out the implementation of the Circuit Station Model for Plenary Assessment Screening, Education, and Elderly Health Management for Geriatric Patients, Families, Caregivers in the activities of the RSND Geriatric Integrated Team Service. In addition, RSND also cooperates with the Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University for the implementation of the activities involving lecturers, PPDS students, and students of the medical profession.
Dr. Peni conveyed that the purpose of this community service activity was to screen the assessment of physical, mental, cognitive, nutritional, eye, ENT-KL and social aspects of elderly. The activities also including empowering elderly in geriatric patients, families and caregivers so that complete health data of the elderly can be obtained; providing education to patients, families, caregivers about elderly health with educational books and videos; handling elderly health problems that were found, both comprehensive direct treatment in the integrated geriatric team service at the RSND and referrals if needed; and implementing the circuit station model for assessment screening, education and treatment of elderly health problems at Diponegoro National Hospital.
A complete assessment of the health of the elderly, especially geriatric patients (holistic and comprehensive) includes physical screening (general health, Barthel Index, Instrumental Daily Living) at the General Polyclinic; Internal Medicine, (Fall Risk, Frailty, Zarit Burden for Caregivers, Sarcopenia, Quality of Life) at the Medical Rehabilitation Polyclinic; mental (zung anxiety, geriatric depression assessment) at the Psychiatry Polyclinic; cognitive (mini mental state examination, montreal cognitive assessment) at the Neurology Polyclinic; nutrition (mini nutritional assessment) at the Clinical Nutrition Polyclinic; eye health at the Eye Polyclinic; and hearing health in the ENT-KL. Education of social clinics is also given to the elderly, who are empowered to care for their grandchildren and friends so that the patient’s health problems can be identified and treated. Providing education on aspects of physical, mental, cognitive, nutrition, eye health, ENT-KL and social aspects as an empowered elderly to care for grandchildren is expected to increase knowledge and provide support for handling health problems in the elderly.

The President Director of Diponegoro National Hospital, Dr. dr. Sutopo Patria Jati, M.M., M.Kes said that this activity is expected to become one of the new icons in Diponegoro National Hospital because it is a new integrated approach for geriatrics or for the elderly.
“The elderly have many risk factors, the needs are developed because of their health problems, so we approach them with an integrated approach so that they are also fully served. All of the risk factors are around nine fields including science or diseases that may arise from the elderly which we will try to handle in an integrated manner. This will be integrated later because this activity also aims to be education as well as research. Diponegoro National Hospital must develop advanced and developed education and research. We must make history, such as pioneering programs like this,” he said.
While dr. Yosep Purwoko, M.Kes, Sp.PD, K.Ger said that the Diponegoro National Hospital had one program, namely the service of geriatric patients which is expected to be one of the excellent programs of the Diponegoro National Hospital. Good health services and increased knowledge of health will contribute to a longer life expectancy and the elderly must take care of their health seriously.

“Naturally, elderly patients decrease their functional capacity so they are more susceptible to illness, most of which come from themselves. This is a global problem, not only in Indonesia. We as one of the health service media created a geriatric team that consists of several experts including internal medicine specialists, geriatric consultants, neuroscience, medical rehabilitation, nutrition, geriatric pharmacy and other specialists related to the relevant services needed by geriatric patients. The aim of national geriatric services is to create independent, aging, healthy and successful elderly individuals. We hope that the healthy elderly can actualize themselves in the society,” said dr. Joseph. (Public Relations of UNDIP)