Diponegoro University Assessment of Forensic and Medicolegal Studies

by | Apr 21, 2023 | News

Friday, 14 April 2023. The Faculty of Medicine successfully organized a field assessment on the Forensic and Medicolegal Studies Study Program. To begin, the assessment began with the singing of the Indonesian National Anthem, followed by a prayer to God for favorable outcomes when the assessment was over.

The Assessment then began with statements from Diponegoro University’s Dean Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Dwi Pudjonarko, M.Kes. “Accreditation status will reflect how Study Program prepares its education to educate their students until they graduate and become useful in their society based on fixed standards.” This morning, the Faculty of Medicine, through Forensic and Medicolegal Studies, accepted an accreditation visit that will last two days. We are grateful to all of the Assessors for their personal visits to obtain a “snapshot” of the Forensic and Medicolegal Studies Study Program. Welcome. Of course, for today, the Forensic and Medicolegal Studies Study Program staff has already prepared everything with a lot of labor and prayer, hoping for the best. We believed that the assessor would remind us of how we position ourselves and that we are willing to assist, as well as that this accreditation would go well.” Dean stated.

Following that, Prof. Dr. dr. Ahmad Yudianto, Sp.FM. Subsp.S.B.M (K), SH., MKes. stated, “Our presence in here as assessors from LAM-PTKes are to take a “snapshot” Forensic and Medicolegal Studies Study Program, actually 5 years ago we took field assessment at the same Study Program, we hope that there are a lot of improvement compared to 5 years ago.” Last but not least, we are grateful for the support, and I am hopeful that the accreditation will be completed tomorrow.”

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