General Medicine
Students Association
Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Ormawa Secretariat, A Building, First Floor
About Us
General Medicine Students Association at Diponegoro University’s Faculty of Medicine is a student-run organization in the Medical Study Program. This students’ association brings all students together with an emphasis on satisfying the needs that still adhere to “Pedoman Pokok Organisasi (PPO)” and “Garis Besar Haluan Kegiatan Organisasi Kemahasiswaan (GBHK)” at Diponegoro University’s Faculty of Medicine.
The “HIMA KU” Knights of 2023 discover “Sang Aguna Loka“
- Bring professionalism a reality in the internal “HIMA KU” based on kinship.
- Improve the “HIMA KU” creative, appreciative, and educational atmosphere.
- Realize an inclusive and regulated “HIMA KU” movement.
- Introducing “HIMA KU” usefulness that is obvious and on target.