The Faculty of Medicine’s
Diponegoro University’s Faculty of Medicine was founded on October 1, 1961. 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in Indonesia. Affiliated with Dr. Kariadi Hospital, which offers education to students, interns, coas, and specialist residents. According to the THES-QS Top World University Rankings in 2007, the Faculty of Medicine was ranked 410 in the Life Science and Biomedicine category. The Faculty of Medicine is located on Jl. Prof Mr. Sunario Kampus Universitas Diponegoro, Tembalang, Semarang, and is integrated with Dr. Kariadi Hospital and Diponegoro National Hospital. During the Japanese occupation, education began to provide medical education. When the Japanese government dispersed, this medical school vanished. Then, in 1955, the Djojo-Bojo Foundation (which included Dr. Boentaran and Dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo) set out to build the Faculty of Medicine. This attempt, however, was not successful due to a lack of coordination between the Head of Health Inspection and the Leader of Hospital and Head of City Health. This occurred as a result of political party membership and faction. Furthermore, there was a semarang public center hospital at the time that could be used as an education hospital for the Faculty of Medicine.

Dr. Heyder bin Heyder and Dr. Soerarjo Darsono met the President of Diponegoro University (Soedarto, SH) in 1958 and revealed their plan to build the Faculty of Medicine because many Gajah Mada University students were doing clerkships in Semarang. Diponegoro University Foundation has been in existence since 1959, with faculties of law, economics, teacher education, and technic. This fact fuels the desire to construct the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. R. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo encouraged a joint meeting between Diponegoro University Foundation and senate administrators on June 10th, 1960, and the meeting resulted in the decision to build the Faculty of Medicine. The committee for the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine was then formed, led by Suyono Atmo, with Sri Widojati Notoprodjo, SH as secretary. A technical committee was also formed, led by Colonel Dr. R. Soehardi, with Dr. Heyder bin Heyder serving as secretary. Dr. R. Kolonel, Dr. A. Soerojo, Dr. R. Marsaid S. Sastrodihardjo, Dr. Tjiam Tjwan Hok, and Dr. R. Soedjati were its members.
Since 1951, Semarang RSUP has been educating co-assistants from the Faculty of Medicine Gajah Mada University, particularly in the children’s section, obstetrics, and ENT. Although the co-assistants test was held in Yogyakarta, Semarang RSUP already has experience educating students from the Faculty of Medicine, particularly in clinical clerkship. The technical committee then held a plenary meeting on March 9th, 1961, to make a decision :
- The hospital’s leader was appointed as the official Dean by ex officio.
- The committee believes that Semarang RSUP was already sufficiently developed to serve as a teaching hospital.
- The committee approves Dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo’s educational curriculum plan for the next 6.5 years.
- Because preparation for the preclinical level takes more time, it was decided to begin the Faculty of Medicine from the beginning. Then, according to information obtained, senior students from Gajah Mada University are eager to relocate to Semarang.
Dr. Heyder bin Heyder and Dr. Soerarjo Darsono met with Prof. Soedjono Djoened Poesponegoro (Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Jakarta Dean) on March 29th, 1961, to seek suggestions, advice, and assistance in preparing for the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine in Semarang. Prof. Soedjono understands the committee’s and local communities’ urgency and agreed. He, too, was eager to provide lecturer assistance from Universitas Indonesia (implemented in 1963). Following that, the leadership of the Semarang RSUP was changed from dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo to dr. Soepaat Soemosoedirdjo, and on July 1, 1961, Diponegoro University President document Number 782C was issued, appointing dr. Soepaat Soemosoedirdjo as Head Faculty of Medicine and dr. Heyder bin Heyder as Secretary. However, because Dr. Soepaat Soemosoedihardjo has not yet investigated the urgency and problem, Dr. Heyder bin Heyder has been assigned to complete all of the work.
Another preparation was the negotiation between Dr. R. Soerarjo Darsono and Dr. Heyder bin Heyder with the leader of the Faculty of Medicine Gajah Mada University, as well as their upper level students. On July 12, 1961, a delegation led by Soedarto SH, President of Diponegoro University, Dr. Heyder bin Heyder, Faculty Secretary, and Dr. Soepaat Soemosoedirdjo, Head of the Central General Hospital, met with Prof. Iwa Koesoemasoemantri, Minister of PTIP, to welcome the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine. “I don’t need a smart person to be Dean, but I do need someone who is honest.” He stated.
Prof. dr. Satrio, Minister of Health, also extends a warm welcome and suggests that the first dean come from the ABRI (Old Indonesian Military Group), because there will be many challenges during the preparation stage (especially at that time, Center of Java Province was in emergency situation).

PTIP and the Health Minister could not agree on whether the Faculty of Medicine should be led by the same person who led RSUP (double job). On July 12, 1961 in Jakarta, a delegation submitted a written request to PTIP Minister to promote Dr. Soewondo (DKT Kodam VII doctor) as Dean and Dr. Heyder bin Heyder as Vice Dean. Dr. Heyder bin Heyder and Dr. Soerarjo Darsono met with Prof. Soedjono Djoened Poesponegoro (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia) on March 29, 1961, to seek advice and assistance in establishing the Faculty of Medicine in Semarang. Prof. Soedjono understands the needs of the committee and the local community and agreed (he wants to help them), and he is willing to provide lecturer assistance from Universitas Indonesia (implemented in 1963).

Clearly, the PTIP Department was not satisfied with the two candidates (Dean and Vice Dean). On July 19, 1961, the PTIP Department sent a telegram requesting the third candidate. Diponegoro University’s leader suggests Soejono Atmo (Vice Governor) as the third candidate. However, because he is not a doctor, the PTIP Minister advisor did not agree with the recommendation. Finally, at the Diponegoro University Senate meeting, three names were proposed: Colonel Dr. Soewondo, Dr. Heyder Bin Heyder, and Dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo. On August 24, 1961, a final meeting was held, which was led by dr. Heyder bin Heyder and attended by the Leader of RSUP Semarang, dr. Tendean from Psychiatric Hospital, and dr. Go Gien Hoo from St. Elizabeth Hospital. They made suggestions, plans, and wishes.
Another meeting was held in Yogyakarta on August 31, 1961. As a preparatory committee, Soedarto, SH, dr. Heyder bin Heyder, dr. Sardjono Dhanoedibroto, dr. Atmadi Wreksoatmodjo, and dr. Soedjati Soemodiharjo, and from the Faculty of Medicine UGM, led by Prof. Radioputro, make some important decisions, including:
- The maximum number of students from the Faculty of Medicine UGM who will transfer to the Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University was 40.
- Students are transferred voluntarily.
- The 40 students officially became Diponegoro University students, and after graduation, they will receive their Diponegoro University undergraduate certificate.
The Faculty of Medicine was officially established on October 1, 1961, based on PTIP decree number three 1961, and was the fifth faculty in Diponegoro University. On September 30, 1961, PTIP Vice Minister inaugurated the Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University in Semarang’s Balai Kota Building. The education begins with top-level medical education (Doctorandus Medicine) from the UGM Faculty of Medicine. Six Doctorandus Medicine students started the program, which grew to 30 students by 1962. The Faculty of Medicine produced 7 first-level doctors or Semiarts between 1961 and 1962, then increased to 82 (new students) from 426 candidates. The first lecture was from the Faculty of Medicine Dean, Coloner dr. Soewondo with “Pendidikan Terpimpin”. Dr. Suradi, the first graduated student from the Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, was awarded a doctor’s certificate.
The Faculty of Medicine Undip has made significant progress in its 46-year history. In July 2001, the Faculty of Medicine had already graduated 1.252 specialist doctors, 3.570 doctors, and 2.360 undergraduate students. Also in charge of psychology and nursing study programs. Master of biomedical sciences and doctor of medicine and health sciences degrees were established in 1997. In 2001, the first specialist program participant was given the opportunity to complete their education on “Program Khusus Magister Ilmu Biomedik PPs Undip,” with the hope of improving the quality of graduated students.The education sector’s innovation has taken a problem-solving approach. Hopefully, the material that is integrated or problem-based approach can be local content the Faculty of Medicine Undip. research conducted in FK using funding sources: OPF, BBI, RISBINDOK, RISBINKES, and “hibah bersaing”. This is the proof that “Tri Dharma Civitas Akademik” exists.