Magelang receives health services and basic life training from the UNDIP Faculty of Medicine.

by | Nov 6, 2023 | Dedication, News

Saturday, October 21, 2023. In honor of the 62nd anniversary of FK UNDIP, Diponegoro University’s Faculty of Medicine is organizing an unprecedented community service mission to Gulon village in Magelang. Doctors and students from the UNDIP Faculty of Medicine worked together to deliver a variety of health services, health screenings, and basic life support training to village inhabitants in an effort to enhance their health and quality of life.

The medical team from the UNDIP Faculty of Medicine excitedly prepared health care and screening booths, including blood pressure, blood sugar, and general health checks. Village residents can use this program for free to get routine health screenings that might otherwise be difficult to get. Additionally, villages receive basic life support training, which provides them with critical information and abilities in emergency circumstances.

Ns. Zubaidah, S.Kep., M.Kep, Sp.Kep.An, Chief Executive, expressed his appreciation for the community’s involvement in this activity. According to him, around 100 members from the FK UNDIP academic community participated in this activity, including lecturers, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists, teaching staff, alumni, and students.

“Activities that will be carried out include training for health cadres including training in health screening and basic life support as well as clinical health services,” he went on to say.

Prof. Dr. Dwi Pudjonarko, M.Kes, Sp.S(K), Dean of the UNDIP Faculty of Medicine, stated in his remarks that this action was a type of community service in carrying out the tri dharma of higher education. He went on to say, “As a form of our service, we want to upgrade the Gulon disaster clinic into a primary clinic and plan construction for student dormitories.” The objective is that this activity will help the nearby community as well as the wider FK UNDIP academic community.

This community service program was well accepted by Gulon inhabitants and exemplifies the critical role of universities in promoting community welfare. It is anticipated that such events would continue to give genuine benefits and useful training to the community.

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