Assessment of the Anesthesiology Study Program

Assessment of the Anesthesiology Study Program

The 16th of January, 2023. LAM-PTKes has evaluated the anesthesiology study program as a form of commitment to providing high-quality education. As assessors, there are Dr. Sudadi, Sp.An-TI, Subsp.N.An(K), An.R(K), and Dr. Zulkifli, Sp.An-TI, Subsp.TI(K), M.Kes, MARS....
Inauguration of a Digital Library

Inauguration of a Digital Library

Wednesday, January 18, 2023. Prof. Dr. dr. Dwi Pudjonarko, M.Kes, Sp.S(K), Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, inaugurated the digital library. This facility was constructed to improve the learning process and publication, as well as to demonstrate a commitment to...
Baznas Scholarship Central of Java 2022 Extended Registration

Baznas Jateng Scholarship 2022

Based on a letter dated November 3, 2022, from the Leader of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Central of Java 1401/BAZNAS-Prov/XI/2022, regarding the Baznas Scholarship announcement 2022. The requirements are as follows : Participants must be active students at their...