Academic Senate Held Presentation of Professor Candidates from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and Faculty of Medicine

by | Jun 22, 2021 | News

NEUROLOGY, SEMARANG – The Academic Senate of Diponegoro University held a presentation for Undip professor candidates from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and Faculty of Medicine, on Tuesday (22/6). In his presentation, Dr. Ir. Abdul Ghofar, M.Sc., prospective professor from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences delivered material about “Tuna Fishery Management: Progress, Impact and Challenges for Indonesia”. He said that the management of tuna fisheries has been enriched by Indonesia’s involvement in Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO) and undergoing Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP) program. These efforts will continue to have a positive impact on the management of tuna fisheries and other fisheries. Strategically there are at least four government programs that can bring benefit, they are development of management of Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia (Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia / WPP-NRI), more structured and measurable planning and implementation of fisheries management, integration between fishery economic-business activities and conservation, as well as a more holistic modeling that involves improving fisheries, government policies, including investment.

“A better understanding of fisheries management is needed according to Law no. 45 of 2009 juncto No. 31 of 2004, as the main capital for the implementation of a healthier fishery. There is also a need for more effective coordination between the central government, provincial governments and district/city governments for healthier fisheries management in order to realize the four mentioned programs. Universities have the capacity to contribute in all of this, through the Tri Dharma of Higher Education program or from learning centers that are built in each Fisheries Management Area,” he said.

Then, in his presentation, dr. Muhamad Thohar Arifin, PhD, PA, Sp.BS(K), a prospective professor from Faculty of Medicine discussed about “The Implementation of Clinical Neuroanatomy in the Development of Functional Neurosurgery”.

“The science of neurosurgery is the restoration of neuro-anatomical structures. The importance to master clinical neuroanatomy for advancement of neurosurgery is a mandatory task for every expert and resident of neurosurgery. Our neuroanatomy knowledge is required to adapt to the times and technological advances. The development of neuroanatomy-based neurosurgery technology is demonstrated by the development of intra operative monitoring, minimally invasive surgery, stereotactic surgery and a neuronavigation system that allows a neurosurgeon to perform surgery with high precision in real time,” he said.

Moreover, dr. Muhamad Thohar Arifin said the integrity of understanding neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and cortical mapping can improve services for patients with high complexity (e.g.: tumor, epilepsy) which in the previous decade was not possible to be treated. Surgery with a neurofunctional integrity approach (functional neurosurgery) must be the “spirit” of every neurosurgeon in carrying out the treatment so that the safety and quality of life of patients always come first. (Public Relations of UNDIP)

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