Talkshow Healthy Life bersama dr. Arinta Puspita Wati, Sp.S. (Dokter Spesialis Saraf RSND UNDIP) The general public considers senile dementia as a natural thing experienced by the elderly due to age. Senile is generally defined as a condition of reduced memory or...
Neurosurgery Resident Class Webinar Faculty of Medicine UNDIP holds a Webinar collaborating with several health institutions in Indonesia. This event is intended for the resident class, especially for neurosurgery residents. The invited speakers are doctors who served...
Perdossi Semarang present | Stroke Case Sharing in Real Life: from Clinical Guideline to Clinical Practice Keynote SpeakerDr. dr. Dodik Tugasworo, Sp.N(K) | Topic: Updating Stroke Management in Clinical Practice Ethicdr. Bianti Hastuti Machroes, MH, Sp.KF | Topic:...
Online Health Seminar “Living in Harmony with Epilepsy” Online Health Seminar | Living in Harmony with Epilepsy Session Speakers 1 Dr. dr. Endang Kustiowati, Sp.N(K), MSi.Med | Topic: Epilepsy Overview dr. Herlina Suryawati, Sp.N(K) | Topic: Recognize the...